Friday, March 13, 2009

Radiation Theory and Illness Worsens

The next day I woke up and thought about the previous day. I wondered if Ryan had actually researched my theory. I decided to head out to the park a little earlier today since everyday I went Ryan was already there, so I figured he must have gotten there early everyday. I arrived to where we usually met around 7:15A.M. and Ryan wasn’t there. I just sat in my wheelchair and waited for him. Hours had passes before he finally showed up. It was much later then we had ever met before.
He said that he was so sorry. He was researching my Radiation Theory all night and fell asleep at the computer. I was really impressed with the determination such a young boy had. I asked him if he wanted my to clarify anything or if he had any questions. He answered with a simple no, and said the research clarified everything question he could have ever asked.
Ryan was starting to run out of questions at this point and asked me to explain any other important things in this part of his life. We left off in about the year 1974. This was a year of great hope for me, since I came up with the Hawking Theory, but it was also a year that changed my entire life. In 1974, my disease had been getting increasingly worse and finally, at one point in that year I was no longer to feed myself or even able to get out of my bed. Another thing had happened that I never experienced before. My speech had become so bad that everything I tried to say was just being slurred, and even my closest friends and family couldn’t understand me. In 1975, I developed pneumonia. I also had to have a tracheotomy operation, which removed my voice and made me unable to communicate with anyone. I was finally able to speak once more in my life. A Cambridge scientist built a type of device that would take written information, that I wrote down, and would say it through a voice synthesixer. I was excited to be able to somewhat be able to talk again even though it wasn’t my real voice. And that was exactly the problem. Not only wasn’t it my normal sounding voice, it had an American accent. This took some time to get used to but it doesn’t bother me now.
The time had come I had my weekly meeting with a scientist at Cambridge and I had to leave. Again, I did not want to leave. I wanted to talk more about this part of my life. I couldn’t stay any longer however. I was already going to be late for the meeting. We said our good-byes and agreed to meet in a few days.

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