Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Further Education and Disease

A week had gone by since I first met Ryan to discuss my life and scientific discoveries. Today was the day that I had told him that I would make my way back over to the park so I could continue with my interview. Again Ryan was on the same bench and I sat down next to him. After we greeted he asked me his first question. Last week we left off talking about my education at Oxford University, and Ryan wanted to know if I had an other further education. I replied by saying yes. I went Cambridge to do some research in the field of Cosmology and theoretical astronomy. Ryan had stopped me and asked what that even meant. I told him that Cosmology is the study of the universe, something I am so fascinated by. While doing my research I had a supervisor named Denis Sciama, and I later gained my PhD.
At this point in my interview I knew that I was avoiding Ryan asking me any questions about my disease. I figured I couldn’t hold back on telling him any further. I stated off by saying that just from the way I look and the reason I used a wheelchair was because I have a very serious disease, and he could tell that. I told him in my junior year at Oxford I had noticed that I was becoming more and more clumsy and gawky. I never thought that it could be a serious disease as it turned out to be. I first got medical help when I entered my first year at Cambridge when my father noticed my clumsiness and brought my to our family doctor. Then my doctor referred me to a specialist, with more knowledge of my possible disease, and was later admitted to the hospital for tests. I under went countless tests and ended up staying in the hospital for about two weeks. At first I never really even got a diagnosis and I didn’t even ask question because I had just figured out it was pretty bad. Then Ryan interrupted me and said that I must know what type of disease I have now. Indeed I did. The disease I have is called Lou Gehig's, which is a type of disease that affects your movement of your muscles. After it had been stabilized I went on to continue with my research at Cambridge. I told Ryan it was my time to leave again but if we agreed to meet again in a couple of days I would be back to talk about the continuation of my research.

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