Wednesday, March 11, 2009

PhD, major accomplishments, and my wife

Again the time had come that I was to go and meet Ryan in the park. I woke up around 7:00A.M. and made my way to the city. Once again he was sitting on the same bench prepared to ask me questions with his notebook and pen. We talked briefly before we stated up with the interview again. Looking back in his notes Ryan said we had talked briefly about my PhD. He said he would like to know more about what I did after I received it. I told him that I went on to be a Research Fellow, which is just a member of a learned society, such as Cambridge. After becoming a Fellow I went on to be a Professional Fellow at Gonville and Caius College, which is constituent college of the University of Cambridge.
Ryan had then asked if I had another major accomplishments around this period of my life. I told Ryan that in 1974 I became one of the youngest Fellows of the Royal Society and in 1982 I was created a Commander of the Order of the British Empire. I also told Ryan that I was part of the Board of Sponsors of The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
Ryan then asked if I had ever been married. I explained to him that during the first years of my illness I had lost all desire to live. I had worked so hard to become what I had up to that point in my life, and now to think that one illness could possibly stop me from going any further was demeaning. I had no desire to continue research and I could not find a point in living anymore. One day something changed my entire outlook of life. The very special day was when I met Jane Wilde, who would become my wife. Once again I had to leave, but I knew in a couple of days we would meet again to continue this interview...

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