Friday, March 13, 2009

Hawking Radiation andn Black Holes

I ate my lunch and made my way back to the park where I expected Ryan to be. As I had anticipated he was sitting there, but he was still eating his lunch. I asked him if he wanted me to wait while he finished his bagel. He said no, so I pulled my wheelchair up next to him. He looking in his notes and said that I mentioned I developed Hawking Radiation. He said he would like to know a little more about it since he never heard of it before. I began by saying that it shows how quantum affects the way black holes emit black body radiation. I knew this would be a questioned asked by Ryan so at my lunch time I looked up what it meant. I obliviously knew what it was since I developed it but it is something that is very hard to describe to a student. I handed him the paper of what one website said. He read it aloud, "'The Hawking Radiation Theory states that virtual particle-antiparticle pairs are sometimes created outside the event horizon of a black hole.'" I told Ryan to further understand his theory he should research it himself as I did. It is a very difficult thing to explain and it would take far to long to describe. He said he understood and it even seemed far to complicated for him to understand. I argued that statement because I knew that if he researched it for next time we met, he could ask me any questions he wanted to about it.
This was the first time I actually didn’t want to leave but the sun was almost set, so we agreed to meet here again tomorrow.

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