Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Early Life

Today when I woke up I realized I had to attend my interview with Ryan Camire, a physics student at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro MA. About two weeks ago I received an e-mail from him requesting an interview. He said he would to ask me a few questions about my life so he can better appreciate physics and myself. I woke up around 7:30 and did my usual routine to get myself ready for the day. We had agreed at meeting in a nearby park, so I had made my way to where it was located. I saw a young man sitting on the bench and I sat down next to him. As I had expected it was Ryan. We greeted each other and he said it was amazing to meet such an astonished man as myself.
He had asked me some questions about my early life. I started off by saying that I was born in Oxford, England on January 8, 1942, making me 67 years old. I then told him the reason our house was in Oxford and not London itself, was because I was born during the second World War and it was considered a safer place to have children grow up. Ryan proceeded to ask me if I lived there for my entire life. I hadn't. At the age of eight my family moved St. Albans, a town near London. When I had reached the age of eleven I went to Albans School. Later I had attended Oxford University. I told Ryan that when I was first enrolled at the University I didn't want to peruse a career in physics. I wanted to go to college for mathematics, but unfortunately Oxford didn't offer it. Three years later I was a awarded a first class honor degree in the field of Natural Science. At this point I told Ryan that I had another meeting to go to. I told him that if he agreed to meet here again next week I would tell him all about the next part of my life including my research in Cosmology.

1 comment:

  1. wow steven hawking! you are quite an interesting fellow! Your so cool, I wish I knew what you know...can I meet you in the park next week too?
